Work Hours Calculator

Calculate your daily or weekly work hours by using this calculator. Provide start, end, and lunch or break times to calculate your actual work hours.

Calculate Your Daily Work Hours

Total Work Hours:

About Work Hours Calculator

This work hours calculator is a digital tool that helps employees and employers to calculate actual working hours. It eliminates the hassle of manual calculations, ensuring accuracy and saving time. Users can choose between 12-hour and 24-hour clock formats. They can easily input their work schedule and get the total hours worked after deducting break time.

How to Calculate Work Hours?

Follow these simple steps to calculate your total working hours using this calculator:

  • Choose between 12-hour (AM/PM) or 24-hour from the Clock Format drop-down.
  • Select the hour and minute for when you start working. If using a 12-hour format, choose AM or PM.
  • Select the hour and minute for when you finish work. If using a 12-hour format, choose AM or PM.
  • Input the break duration in minutes (e.g., 30 minutes for a lunch break).
  • Click the "Calculate" button.
  • The total working hours will be displayed in "X hours Y minutes" format by subtracting the break time.
  • Click the "Clear" button to reset all fields and start over.
  • Formula

    The complete formula used to develop this calculator is given below:

    Calculate the Total Minutes Between Start and End Time:

    Total Minutes = (End Time − Start Time)/(1000*60)​

    If the total minutes are negative: Total Minutes = TotalMinutes + 1440

    Subtract Break Time: TotalMinutes After Break = Total Minutes − Break Time

    Convert Minutes to Hours and Minutes:

  • Total Hours = [Total Minutes After Break/60]
  • Remaining Minutes = Total Minutes After Break mod 60
  • Example: (Same Day, 12-Hour Format):

  • Start Time: 9:30 AM
  • End Time: 5:15 PM
  • Break Time: 45 minutes
  • Step 1: Convert to 24-hour format

  • Start Time = 9:30
  • End Time = 17:15
  • Step 2: Calculate total minutes

  • (17:15 − 9:30) = 465 minutes
  • Step 3: Subtract break time

  • 465 − 45 = 420 minutes
  • Step 4: Convert to hours and minutes

  • Total Hours = 420/60 = 7 hours
  • Remaining Minutes = 420 mod 60 = 0 minutes
  • Final Result: 7 hours 0 minutes